[[http://www.g-node.org|{{:g-node_logo_www_small.png?400 |}}]] ====== G-Node Workshop on Neuronal GPU Computing, April 11-13, 2012 ====== **News**\\ * April 23, 2012: [[ pictures | Pictures ]] from the symposium. * April 12, 2012: The [[ SymposiumProgram#developer_workshop_topics | workshop topics ]] are online. * April 9, 2012: Eugene Izhikevich from our sponsor [[http://braincorporation.com | Brain Corporation ]] will announce job opportunities at the symposium. * April 2, 2012: The [[ SymposiumProgram#developer_workshop_program |program for the developer workshop ]] is online. * March 19, 2012: The [[SymposiumProgram | preliminary program ]] is online. * March 8, 2012: We now have [[directions]] and [[hotels | hotel suggestions]] for you. * March 7, 2012: The list of symposium speakers is finalized! Application for talks is closed, but we're still taking registrations for the symposium. * Feb 28, 2012: Follow the conference on the [[http://www.researchgate.net/conference/G-Node_Workshop_on_Neuronal_GPU_Computing/|ResearchGate conference page]] **Description**\\ Graphics processing units (GPUs) offer a low-cost approach to parallel high-performance computing. Neuronal simulations can be parallelized efficiently and are particularly well suited for implementation on GPUs. There is also great potential for GPU-based high-throughput analysis of neuronal data. The field is progressing at rapid pace, and has reached a point where it may strongly benefit from some kind of convergence between the different approaches. To facilitate communication and foster collaboration in the field, the German INCF Node (G-Node) organizes a one-day **symposium** on neuronal GPU computing with an adjoint two-day **developer workshop**. **Symposium**\\ Speakers: * Romain Brette (École Normale Supérieure, Paris) * Andreas Fidjeland (Imperial College, London) * Dan Goodman (École Normale Supérieure, Paris) * Thomas Nowotny (University of Sussex, Brighton-Falmer) * Pierre Yger (Imperial College, London) * Damien Drix (École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne) * David Higgins (École Normale Supérieure, Paris) * Javier Baladron (Inria Sophia Antipolis, France) * Giovanni Idili (Openworm.org) [[SymposiumProgram | Program of the symposium]], [[ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cax63U-bGl-XzDOMn3sTUd0gWI5iCh0t21Bd5CUExVo/edit | Abstracts ]]. Participation in the symposium is free, but registration is required. **Developer workshop**\\ The aim of the workshop is to bring together developers of GPU-based applications for neuroscience and to enable exchange of ideas, knowledge, and code. Enthusiastic users of GPU-based tools with programming skills are also warmly welcome. We want to keep the program of the workshop open. There will be a few short, informal presentations about technical aspects of using GPUs in neuroscience. In addition, we will have Code sprints and ample time for discussion. Participants should bring their own laptops. [[ SymposiumProgram#developer_workshop_program |Program of the developer workshop ]], [[ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ruuiT32Mwc1gFsrto_Ru54TY8dKWF1cKq9d-SXR5UGI/edit | list of proposed topics ]]. **Registration**\\ The deadline for application for talks at the symposium has passed, but it is still possible to register for the symposium. A note with your name and affiliation is sufficient. **Contact**\\ Direct your registrations and any questions to [[gpu-computing@g-node.org]] . **Deadline for application:** 06 March 2012 (passed) **Venue:**\\ LMU Biocenter\\ Großhaderner Str. 2\\ 82152 Planegg-Martinsried\\ Germany\\ ** How to get there? **\\ Refer to the [[directions| directions page]] for information how to get to the venue. ** Hotels: **\\ A list of hotels that are close to the venue can be found on the [[hotels|hotels page]]. **Organizers:**\\ Michael Schmuker, Freie Universität Berlin, BCCN Berlin\\ Christian Kellner and Thomas Wachtler, G-Node, LMU München **Funding:**\\ Participation of some of the speakers was sponsored by [[http://braincorporation.com|Brain Corporation]]. The German Neuroinformatics Node is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ([[http://www.bmbf.de|BMBF]]).