G-Node Workshop on Neuronal GPU Computing, April 11-13, 2012


Graphics processing units (GPUs) offer a low-cost approach to parallel high-performance computing. Neuronal simulations can be parallelized efficiently and are particularly well suited for implementation on GPUs. There is also great potential for GPU-based high-throughput analysis of neuronal data. The field is progressing at rapid pace, and has reached a point where it may strongly benefit from some kind of convergence between the different approaches. To facilitate communication and foster collaboration in the field, the German INCF Node (G-Node) organizes a one-day symposium on neuronal GPU computing with an adjoint two-day developer workshop.



Program of the symposium, Abstracts .

Participation in the symposium is free, but registration is required.

Developer workshop

The aim of the workshop is to bring together developers of GPU-based applications for neuroscience and to enable exchange of ideas, knowledge, and code. Enthusiastic users of GPU-based tools with programming skills are also warmly welcome.

We want to keep the program of the workshop open. There will be a few short, informal presentations about technical aspects of using GPUs in neuroscience. In addition, we will have Code sprints and ample time for discussion.

Participants should bring their own laptops.

Program of the developer workshop , list of proposed topics .


The deadline for application for talks at the symposium has passed, but it is still possible to register for the symposium. A note with your name and affiliation is sufficient.


Direct your registrations and any questions to gpu-computing@g-node.org .

Deadline for application: 06 March 2012 (passed)

LMU Biocenter
Großhaderner Str. 2
82152 Planegg-Martinsried

How to get there?
Refer to the directions page for information how to get to the venue.

A list of hotels that are close to the venue can be found on the hotels page.

Michael Schmuker, Freie Universität Berlin, BCCN Berlin
Christian Kellner and Thomas Wachtler, G-Node, LMU München

Participation of some of the speakers was sponsored by Brain Corporation.

The German Neuroinformatics Node is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).